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Viewing topic "Cntr Arps category = no sound"

Posted on: September 25, 2009 @ 02:57 PM
Total Posts:  60
Joined  12-08-2006
status: Experienced

What is the best kind of voice to use the controller arps? Every time I try to use them (cntr arps)the sound dissapears

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Posted on: September 29, 2010 @ 11:44 AM
Total Posts:  426
Joined  11-01-2006
status: Enthusiast

depends what kind of Ctr you’re using...Most of the name are self explanation. Pad for modulation kind, legato for single voice, trill for drum and pick/plug type of voice.

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Posted on: October 02, 2010 @ 02:20 PM
Total Posts:  36620
Joined  07-30-2002
status: Moderator

Controller arps are arpeggio that produce no sound. They are controller data. The can be made up of volume data, pan data, filter data, pitch bend data, etc. By themselves these controllers are not notes, they make no sound, however you hear them when they are applied to a sound.

To use an arp in this category you must set the ARP “KEY MODE” parameter to “direct”.

Direct allows the notes that you press on the keyboard to pass through the arpeggiator to the tone generator. The arpeggiator will then apply the Volume, Pan, Filter, Pitch Bend, etc. Controller data to that sound.
Make sense?

From your profile we see you have a Motif ES… you will find the ARP KEY MODE parameter
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Set the KEY MODE to “direct” - instead of sorting notes which is what happens with note arpeggios, the key data will trigger the tone generator, the arpeggio in the CNTR category will now apply the controller data to that sound.

Yes: on pages 170 and 191 of the Owner’s Manual

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