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Viewing topic "Cubase 9 + Motif XS6 VST Editor/mLAN - - just a quick controler questions"

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Posted on: March 12, 2017 @ 07:03 PM
Total Posts:  163
Joined  05-09-2005
status: Pro

As it turns out - - -

Bad Mister wrote this:

“Moving the EQ Knobs will generate System Exclusive messages (which move the Low, Mid and High EQ) which can be recorded to the control that PART’s EQ. (The Pan, Reverb and Chorus send Control Change messages which can be recorded to an AUTOMATION Lane or directly to the track.

Make sure that you have SYSTEM EXCLUSIVE active in your Cubase Preferences: Go to Cubase Preferences > MIDI > MIDI FILTER
Usually Cubase has System Exclusive FILTERED - remove the FILTER so that you can record and automate your EQ changes.”

ARRGGGH!  So that’ all it was - - I “unfiltered” my sys ex under MIDI in preferences, and VOILA!  Good to go!

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Posted on: March 12, 2017 @ 08:57 PM
Total Posts:  11891
Joined  09-16-2010
status: Legend
RADDTUNES - 12 March 2017 07:03 PM

As it turns out - - -

Bad Mister wrote this:

“Moving the EQ Knobs will generate System Exclusive messages (which move the Low, Mid and High EQ) which can be recorded to the control that PART’s EQ. (The Pan, Reverb and Chorus send Control Change messages which can be recorded to an AUTOMATION Lane or directly to the track.

Make sure that you have SYSTEM EXCLUSIVE active in your Cubase Preferences: Go to Cubase Preferences > MIDI > MIDI FILTER
Usually Cubase has System Exclusive FILTERED - remove the FILTER so that you can record and automate your EQ changes.”

ARRGGGH!  So that’ all it was - - I “unfiltered” my sys ex under MIDI in preferences, and VOILA!  Good to go!

That’s interesting, because in Cubase AI5 SysEx is filtered by default, and yet I had no problem with the EQ knobs controlling the Editor VST without “unfiltering” SysEx. I would have suggested changing the filter setting if the behavior in AI5 was otherwise. Apparently Steinberg changed the operation sometime between Cubase 5 and 9.

I’m glad the problem got resolved.

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