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Viewing topic "MIDI wizards help"

Posted on: January 02, 2018 @ 11:03 AM
Total Posts:  9
Joined  02-25-2014
status: Newcomer

Hi, I have a NordStage 3 as a masterkeyboard and I only want my MX49 to recieve program change so two questions from a midi-amateur.

I don’t want the Nord to playback the MX49, I just want the program change. So when I change sounds on the NS3 I want the MX49 to change sound also but I only want to play the sound on the MX not on the Nord.

I only work in performance mode. Program change only seems to function in voice-mode, how come?

On the Nord I have bank select and a program select. For example my novation has four banks and 127 programs per bank. So it’s easy in that case to set up, but how can I make the MX to go to the rigt performance?

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