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Viewing topic "midi question"

Posted on: September 09, 2017 @ 07:54 PM
Total Posts:  154
Joined  02-14-2007
status: Pro

Im coming out of my Nord E5 midi out to a Yamaha MX 61 but whwn changing octaves the mx61 doesn’t change
I have the Nord set to send program change and control change
on my ymaha its set to receive and does receive midi info

any suggestions?


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Posted on: September 09, 2017 @ 09:56 PM
Total Posts:  11891
Joined  09-16-2010
status: Legend

There’s no universal MIDI message for octave shift. What, if anything, does the Nord output via MIDI when you use its octave shift buttons?

The MX responds to octave shift sent via a SysEx (System Exclusive) Parameter Change message. If the Nord outputs something when its octave shift buttons are pressed, then you might be able to use a MIDI Event Processor to change that into SysEx the MX can respond to.

Otherwise, you can just manually use the OCTAVE buttons on the MX.

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