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Viewing topic "Programming a computer to send MIDI to the MOX"

Posted on: June 05, 2017 @ 08:58 PM
Total Posts:  27
Joined  12-09-2013
status: Regular

I’d like to make a very special arpeggiator, and plan to have a program running on a PC receive MIDI via USB from the keyboard, make an arpeggio out of it, and send it back to the keyboard, again using MIDI via USB.  I am open as to language, etc.  Does anyone have anything to share that will get me to the end zone more quickly?  I’ll share the new arp!

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Posted on: June 15, 2017 @ 01:57 PM
Total Posts:  27
Joined  12-09-2013
status: Regular

I can’t believe 135 views and no replies.  This sounds like something there is a lot of interest in, but little experience.  I am going ahead, and have chosen Python for the programming language.  I will post updates.

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Posted on: June 16, 2017 @ 10:33 AM
Total Posts:  54
Joined  01-20-2012
status: Experienced

You should try Pure Data:

It runs on PC, Mac and Linux and it not only allows you to send/receive MIDI it can also handle audio, too. Many tutorials are available on YouTube.

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