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Viewing topic "Song select command from Logic"

Posted on: March 24, 2013 @ 06:52 AM
Total Posts:  150
Joined  11-18-2011
status: Pro

Any idea how I can send a song select command from Logic (I have Logic 8)?

I refer you to the following thread in the Motif XF forum. See VikasSharma’s response. I have no problem sending the SysEX message to select a mode, e.g. Pattern or Song Mode. But then selecting a particular song or pattern number requires sending, what he calls, a song select. In this case command (F3) followed by the Song/Pattern number (00 - F3).

Any idea how to do this? I’d imagine I have to be in the Even List window still (where I sent my SysEX messages), but cannot find anywhere I could enter an F3 !!

Thanks for any help.

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Posted on: April 05, 2013 @ 05:24 AM
Total Posts:  150
Joined  11-18-2011
status: Pro


I see I’m getting no response!

It is probably because I used sepcific operation which is XF specific, the way I described it.

The operation I require seems to be basic and is actually part of a general Midi table:

Midi Message Table

Does anyone know how to send this type of messages from Logic?

Again, thanks for your help..

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