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Viewing topic "Sync via MIDI between MOTIF XS and Sonar X1"

Posted on: January 29, 2012 @ 01:14 PM
Total Posts:  26
Joined  11-22-2009
status: Regular

Hi, I’m using Motif XS8 with Sonar X1.

I don’t use mLan for the moment, the devices are connected via MIDI through a MOTU mk128II firewire interface.

My question is very simple:
How can I sync (MIDI) Motif XS and Sonar X1 in order to make the DAW start recording when I start playing on my keyboard? I tried almost everything but Sonar always displays the message “Wait for MIDI sync” and the recording does not start.

What are the steps that I should follow in order to record, say, a basic MOTIF XS drum pattern (I mean, when I press a key on the motif, the drum pattern starts; I wish that the recording would start as well)?

Thank you in advance.

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Posted on: February 17, 2012 @ 12:14 PM
Total Posts:  36620
Joined  07-30-2002
status: Moderator

You can have the Motif XS start playback or start recording when you activate the KEY ON START function. This is available in the Motif XS PATTERN mode (from the main PATTERN screen cursor right and on the second line you will find a small icon of a keyboard. Highlight that an press [INC/YES] or turn the DATA WHEEL clockwise. A small arrow will appear next to the keyboard icon indicating that KEY ON START is active.

In order for the Motif XS to act as master clock you must make the following settings:
Press [F5] CONTROL
Press [SF2] MIDI
Set the MIDI SYNC = Internal

The Motif XS will send a START command on the MIDI PORT going out. If you are connected by a standard MIDI cable you must ensure that MIDI messages are set to get into Sonar through your MOTU device.

If you are using the USB port, you want to ensure your DAW is set to receive PORT #1 “Yamaha Motif XS8-1”

You then must make setting in your DAW (Sonar) so that it is set to slave to MIDI clock. That should do it.

Now when you touch a key on the Motif XS (Pattern mode) it will start playback of the XS which will send a start command to your slaved DAW.

Hope that helps.

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