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Viewing topic "Arps Quantize not tight in Pattern Mode. What’s up!? Someone please explain!"

Posted on: January 14, 2011 @ 02:54 AM
Total Posts:  16
Joined  01-07-2011
status: Regular

I’m using original voices and their arpeggiators in pattern mode. But the arpeggiator still lags behind the tempo. Is it that some of the arps from voice mode not quantized with the patterns mode’s arp just right, or am I not doing something right? I set the arp’s quatize strength to 100% and set the note value to the Patter Mode’s value. Or is it just that the motif’s sequencer not good?

Motif XS


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Posted on: January 24, 2011 @ 01:10 PM
Total Posts:  36620
Joined  07-30-2002
status: Moderator

The arps use the same clock as the PATTERN sequencer. That is, once started they are driven by the same (and only) clock in the Motif XS. Arpeggios do not start on their own. In other words, they do not start simply by pressing the [>] PLAY button on the sequencer. It also involves the player triggering a key… so your timing is critical. Therefore, unlike an arranger keyboard where you only need to be close, and the STYLE generated data always falls in right on the beat, the ARPEGGIO generated data will run in sync with clock depending on exactly when you trigger the initial note-on event.

If you hit the initial trigger notes 20 clock ticks late, the arpeggio data will be recorded 20 clock ticks late. this is by design. If you are using a rhythmic arpeggio, you can turn the phrase inside out by hitting the trigger note on the upbeat. This is something you cannot do with an arranger where the data is always played as recorded.

Because as a human you will miss clock pulse 000 more than 98% of the time, the Motif XS allows you to use a function called the “KEY ON START SWITCH” - this parameter will simultaneously trigger the arpeggiator and start the sequencer recording.

It appears in a few places on the XS… in Pattern mode you will see an icon of a small set of keys… highlight them and press [INC/YES] to activate it. Sequencer play/rec will begin when a key is touched.

Make sure your Motif XS is updated to the latest operating system - as there were some updates that affected this area of the instrument.

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