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Viewing topic "The arpeggiator won’t work in Song mode!!!!!"

Posted on: February 19, 2009 @ 04:56 PM
Total Posts:  6
Joined  05-24-2005
status: Newcomer


I am trying to record the notes from an arpeggio in Song mode on the Motif ES 6 into Cubase SX.  However, for some reason my arpeggiator won’t work in Song mode at all!! I have gone through every single setting and I can’t figure it out.  I am trying to complete a song and this is really holding me up.  My Arp switch is on but when I press the key I only here one instrument - no arpeggio pattern.  I can hear the arpeggio in voice mode no problem.  I followed the directions written exactly here in order to turn on arpeggios in song mode:

Any help would me much appreciated.  Thanks in advance.

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Posted on: February 19, 2009 @ 08:13 PM
Total Posts:  36620
Joined  07-30-2002
status: Moderator

We just tested this again and it works fine. So give us your particulars… Are you using mLAN? USB-MIDI? an external interface? If so what is your MIDI interface? What version of Cubase SX3? (hopefully, 3.1.1)

You can even get specific as to what Voice and what arps - might as well get into the details…

One quick thing that is commonly overlooked… Cubase SX3 does not send MIDI Clock until you actually assign it (as outlined in the article) and you actually start the Transport rolling.

In other words, if Cubase is stopped and you have the ES set to MIDI SYNC = MIDI ...when your Cubase is not rolling - the arp is not playing, it could be it is simply waiting for MIDI clock.

If that is not, it please post back with your particulars…

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Posted on: February 20, 2009 @ 01:22 AM
Total Posts:  6
Joined  05-24-2005
status: Newcomer

Hello Bad Mister,

Thank you for the reply.  Currently, the problem is not with Cubase SX 3 (I am running 3.1.1).  My motif will not even play the arpegggio, so Cubase is not able to record anything. 

Here are my particulars:
-Cubase SX 3.1.1
-Windows XP SP3
-EMU 1616 Sound Card Interface
-Yamaha ES 6
-Event Monitors (probably not important)
-Regular MIDI cables from the Motif to EMU 1616
-Arpeggio: DrPc 368 Ibiza B2
PDR: 010 (A10)
DR: Hip Hop 3

Basically, I am just trying to get the apreggio to play in song mode on the Motif. From there I know how to set up Cubase to record the note output since I have done it before.  I follow the directions in the guide.  I am currently in Song mode -> Mixing with all the correct setting.  I press a key and all I hear is a hi hat (or whatever drum sound is assigned to the note that I press).  No arpeggio.  Now, if I go into Voice mode and turn on the arpeggio button, it plays fine. 

Let me know if you need any more details and I can gladly give it to you.

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Posted on: February 20, 2009 @ 02:47 AM
Total Posts:  1
Joined  02-19-2006
status: Newcomer

Not sure if you’ve seen this doc.

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Posted on: February 20, 2009 @ 04:49 PM
Total Posts:  6
Joined  05-24-2005
status: Newcomer


Thanks for the document.  I didn’t realize that you can have arpeggio note outpute in Voice and Perormance mode.  I am going to try that out tonight.  I have no idea why the arpeggio is not working in Song mode, however, it is in fact working in Voice mode so I am going to try to record it in Voice mode.  Thanks!!

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Posted on: February 20, 2009 @ 09:14 PM
Total Posts:  36620
Joined  07-30-2002
status: Moderator

You still do not mention if you have Cubase’s transport running - a pre-requiste - NO CLOCK, NO ARP. Cubase SX3.1.1 does not send clock until you press PLAY on the Cubase transport.

Also you do not have all the settings as in the article because you are not using mLAN… So why not recount for us what you have setup that is different. I’m assuming you have as you said, EVERYTHING like the article. Well, I cannot imagine that is true since you do not have an mLAN16E. Perhaps in writing it out (we) you will discover what is different and not working.

Just a thought.

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Posted on: February 23, 2009 @ 05:06 PM
Total Posts:  6
Joined  05-24-2005
status: Newcomer

Hello Everybody,

I finally got this working.  I actually never figured out what was wrong in Song Mode, however, I was able to successfully have my arpeggio play in Voice mode and I recorded it in Cubase SX.  Thanks for your help.

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Posted on: March 03, 2009 @ 10:47 PM
Total Posts:  12
Joined  03-15-2008
status: Regular

I had the same problem but figured out I needed to record the arp to the internal seq. then record that track into my software seq.  It works fine that way.


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Posted on: March 03, 2009 @ 11:07 PM
Total Posts:  12
Joined  03-15-2008
status: Regular

I forgot to mention you need to “record arp to track” in the ES, then you can transfer to software. 

Once you locate the desired arp:
1.  Hit the record button on the Motif. 
2.  Select “RECARP” (F4 button)
3.  Select “ON” using the NO/YES buttons. 
4.  Record your material into the Motif.
5.  Play the just recorded track into your sofware.
6.  IMPORTANT:  Make sure you turn the quantize feature to OFF!

There ya go...!



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