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Viewing topic "No sound when Arp button pressed"

Posted on: January 28, 2009 @ 12:50 AM
Total Posts:  2
Joined  05-17-2006
status: Newcomer

I’m sure I posted this yesterday YUK. Rack working perfectly from Cubase 4 and Yamaha KX 61 that is to say selecting patches and sound. My problem is if I press the Arp Button on the rack or select a pre-user set with an arp on it I get no sound at all.

I am sure I am being stupid here and it is something simple. help please.

Thanks in advance,


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Posted on: January 28, 2009 @ 05:54 AM
Total Posts:  844
Joined  09-16-2005
status: Guru

Re: No sound when Arp button pressed

No, you’re not being stupid, and you’re right… it’s usually very simple.  /forums/images/icons/smile.gif alt=

If you press the AUDITION key combination and also get no sound, then you quite likely have the MIDI SYNC parameter set to MIDI, and are providing no external clock.

Two ways to fix:

Either set MIDI SYNC back to INTERNAL (in the UTILITIES settings)


Give the Rack a Clock to SYNC with via MIDI.  /forums/images/icons/smile.gif alt=

Since you’re using CUBASE, I would think the second option is the one you want, so you can control the tempo of the ARP from your track.  Since I don’t use Cubase, I can’t help you through the details of that…

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Posted on: January 28, 2009 @ 06:54 AM
Total Posts:  2
Joined  05-17-2006
status: Newcomer

Re: No sound when Arp button pressed

Thanks so much Tony you were right on the first count. Interestingly when I record the midi track in Cubase it does not record the arpeggio. Benefit of using the Yamaha KX61 is that when you select a voice and then an Arp on the keyboard it records the midi events in the track.

The great news is I now have the two options and thanks again for clearing that one up as I was reading the manuals and scratching my old head on that one for hours.

One last question how would I “Give the Rack a Clock to SYNC with via MIDI” as in is that done from the DAW or from the rack? Sorry for being a bit slow on all this.


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Posted on: January 28, 2009 @ 01:16 PM
Total Posts:  844
Joined  09-16-2005
status: Guru

Re: No sound when Arp button pressed that done from the DAW or from the rack?

On the MO-RACK, if you have MIDI SYNC set to MIDI, then you must provide the Clock (which is what MIDI SYNC is referring to) from the MIDI source.  In your case, the source would be Cubase. 

As long as Cubase is configured properly, whatever tempo you set in Cubase will be followed by the ARPs (and auditions).

I use CAKEWALK.  The MOTIF will follow the Cakewalk’s lead since Cakewalk is set to be the MASTER and the MO-RACK is the Slave.  IE, Cakewalk is sending CLOCK, and the MOTIF is set to MIDI SYNC.

To your other point; that’s correct; Cubase (nor any other sequencer) will record the ARPs unless you specifically configure both the RACK and the Sequencer to do so.
Note in this picture (a Cakewalk scrape) I’m telling CAKEWALK to send the SYNC data, which will indicate to the MO-RACK that the tempo is 100BPM.  I’d better tell the MO to RECEIVE it using the MIDI SYNC = MIDI setting, or they’ll disagree on tempo.  Doing this, all Arpeggios will play at EXACTLY 100BPM.  If I change the playback tempo in CAKEWALK, the MO’s ARP will slow down to match.

I’m sure Cubase looks very similar.

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Posted on: January 31, 2009 @ 06:44 PM
Total Posts:  36620
Joined  07-30-2002
status: Legend

Re: No sound when Arp button pressed

The Motif-Rack ES does not send its arpeggio data out via MIDI unless you turn the ARP OUT SWITCH to ON and then select a MIDI channel on which to send that information out.

When in MULTI Mode
This will let you view the arpeggio parameters
Use the DOWN CURSOR arrow to scroll through the different parameters. At the bottom of the list you will find:
OUTPUT SW - set this to ON
TRANSMIT CH - set this to the MIDI channel you want to the arpeggio data to be output on.

when you have the Motif-Rack ES set to MIDI SYNC = MIDI the arpeggio will not play unless you are sending clock from the controlling device (Cubase).

Added to Cubase is a parameter that lets you send clock while Cubase is stopped - this way the arpeggio can be auditioned before you go into record.

Go to TRANSPORT on the Cubase 4 main Menu
Select “Project Synchronization Setup...”
At that bottom of the screen, under MIDI CLOCK OUT find the “Send MIDI Clock in Stop Mode” and check it.

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