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Viewing topic "Can Cubase AI4 be downloaded from someplce"

Posted on: January 22, 2009 @ 06:27 PM
Total Posts:  0
Joined  01-22-2009
status: Newcomer

I tried installing the Cubase AI4 that came with my Motif XS7 and for whatever reason my DVD drive will not allow the install to happen.  I’ve tried updating the driver of the DVD/RW - didn’t work.  I tested the disc @ another place and it DOES work on another DVD drive.  I considered copying all files to a USB drive and installing from there BUT, I was wondering if there was a place where the Cubase AI4 could be downloaded from the internet instead?

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Posted on: January 23, 2009 @ 05:35 AM
Total Posts:  6215
Joined  05-09-2003
status: Guru

Re: Can Cubase AI4 be downloaded from someplce

Updates for it can be obtained over at [url=] [/url] but if your dvd does not work, you may be best off going back to the retailer who sold you the XS and seeing if it is possible to get another via him.

Of course, from your description, it may be that your dvd drive is faulty.

But I don’t think there are freebie downloads anywhere - you have to have purchased some Yamaha gear to get the benefit of the free AI4 (which is the case for you).

Hope this helps


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Posted on: January 26, 2009 @ 04:07 PM
Total Posts:  0
Joined  01-22-2009
status: Newcomer

Re: Can Cubase AI4 be downloaded from someplce

Thanks for the reply.

In my limited research I did see just what you explained (updates but not the program itself).  I’m sure the problem is with my DVD player because it appears I can load the program onto another computer (another DVD).  I think I’ll try to copy the DVD to a USB drive and try loading that way.

Part of my mission to load/use the Cubase was to edit .smf files (change the voices).  I’ve somehow managed to punch enough buttons on the Motif to make the changes stick.

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