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Viewing topic "AI driver manager?"

Posted on: December 16, 2008 @ 03:48 PM
Total Posts:  226
Joined  07-22-2003
status: Enthusiast

I’ve been setting up my XS 8 for Mlan. The keyboard is set to mlan and ready to go.
This is my problem:  there’s no AI driver icon in the system tray.  I’ve reinstalled the AI drivers from to be on the safe side. Cubase AI is installed and boots up just fine. I cannot find “AI driver manager” anywhere. Cubase does not recognize the XS in the midi port setup (it’s not listed).
Thanks for any help.

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Posted on: December 16, 2008 @ 04:56 PM
Total Posts:  36620
Joined  07-30-2002
status: Legend

Re: AI driver manager?

When successfully installed the mLAN Driver icon will appear in the System tray… so we must assume you did not install it properly. For help with any computer related issue you have to tell us about your computer, its operating system and the version of the driver you installed.

From the information you have given us, we can only say, things are not right. Beyond that we cannot help you.

Cubase recognizing the “Motif XS” has little to do with the AI Driver - but more to do with installing the Yamaha Extensions for Steinberg DAW versin 1.4.0

please provide necessary version numbers including what version of Cubase AI you are running.

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Posted on: December 16, 2008 @ 05:40 PM
Total Posts:  226
Joined  07-22-2003
status: Enthusiast

Re: AI driver manager?

Thanks Bad M.
I installed Motif XS AI driver v1.6.3
O.S. windows XP home edition.
AMD athlon dual core processor
Cubase version 4.0.1

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Posted on: December 17, 2008 @ 06:08 AM
Total Posts:  36620
Joined  07-30-2002
status: Legend

Re: AI driver manager?

Thank you for the details. You will want to take this opportunity to update your Cubase version… There have been a couple of years of updates for Cubase… However, we are not really clear about your product, in your first post you mention Cubase AI, (which is entirely different form Cubase 4)…

Basically Cubase AI4 is what came with your Motif XS (freebie)
Cubase 4 is the full top-of-the-line version that is only sold

In either case you will want to update to the proper version
which is now at version 4.5.2

If you are talking about the free version Cubase AI4 - the current version is 4.5.2
If you are talking about the full top-of-the-line version Cubase4 - the current version is 4.5.2

Each has their own downloadable update (they are not interchangeable… so be careful to download the correct one for what you actually do own).

Please go to the following site and select (carefully) the proper Product:

[url=] [/url]

Download and install the update. This should clear up some issues. Once you have updated to 4.5.2 post back and let us know.

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Posted on: December 17, 2008 @ 09:51 AM
Total Posts:  226
Joined  07-22-2003
status: Enthusiast

Re: AI driver manager?

Thank you very much for the help.  I had a feeling that I had an older version of AI that came with my Motif XS 8.  I didn’t scroll far enough down on the Yamaha website to see the upgrade. I bought the XS in April and just finished building a computer for music. This is my first try at using software applications. So the learning curve begins. I have spent several months learning my way around the XS. I’ve gotten rid of most of my recording hardware so that I wouldn’t be tempted to go back (and turn into a pillar of salt, ha ha). I will more than likely purchase the full version of Cubase, but I thought that this would be a good starting point. I ordered the Cubase AI tutorial which I figured was probably not applicable to the full version of Cubase, but I’m not really sure. Anyhow, the download is in progress. We’ll see how she goes.

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Posted on: December 18, 2008 @ 10:46 AM
Total Posts:  226
Joined  07-22-2003
status: Enthusiast

Re: AI driver manager?

Here’s where I am:

Studio Manager v2.3.0
Motif XS editor v1.1.0
Motif XS AI driver v1.6.3
Extensions for Steinberg DAW v1.4.0
IEEE 1394 Firmware updater v1.06
Cubase AI 4 v4.5.2 updater

My problem: still not getting the AI 4 Mlan driver icon in the system tray.

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Posted on: December 18, 2008 @ 05:06 PM
Total Posts:  36620
Joined  07-30-2002
status: Legend

Re: AI driver manager?

Okay… just wanted to make sure we were up to date… now let’s see if the installation has taken wing.

First, let’s see if you can find the following components;
Launch the “ADD OR REMOVE PROGRAMS” function
After the list populates… find the following two items
1) mLAN TOOLS 2.0
2) Yamaha AI Driver

Please let us know if you see both of these items on the list.


This should start the AI Driver and place the icon in your System Tray… let us know.

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Posted on: December 19, 2008 @ 08:21 AM
Total Posts:  226
Joined  07-22-2003
status: Enthusiast

Re: AI driver manager?

Thanks for the tip Bad Mister.
I did as you suggested.  The mlan tools 2.0 and the AI4 driver is not listed.  Everything else is there, i.e. Cubase AI4, all the Halion stuff, Syncrosoft, etc.

When I repeatedly download the AI4 driver from (which I have done) I get the message that the file already exists and it asks me if I want to overwrite it. No luck so far.

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Posted on: December 19, 2008 @ 11:36 AM
Total Posts:  226
Joined  07-22-2003
status: Enthusiast

Re: AI driver manager?

All systems go!  I clicked on the AI4 driver in “my computer” off of the hard drive and installed it from there.  So far so good. Everythings working.
Thanks for the help.

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Posted on: December 19, 2008 @ 12:47 PM
Total Posts:  226
Joined  07-22-2003
status: Enthusiast

Re: AI driver manager?

New problem:  here’s where I am-

-I’ve launched Cubase AI4 and the driver is set to ASIO mLAN.

-In Utility Mode on the XS I have the interface set to mLAN.

-The XS is connected to the computer via the firewire cable.

-The IEEE 1394 cable is connected to slot 1 on the XS.

In the Device Setup section on Cubase AI4 there is no recognition in the Midi Port Setup of the XS as explained and displayed in the setup guide.

Sorry I’m getting bogged down with this. Appreciate any help.

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Posted on: December 19, 2008 @ 03:50 PM
Total Posts:  226
Joined  07-22-2003
status: Enthusiast

Re: AI driver manager?

I believe that I figured it out. I had to unzip each file manually. Everything is working fine now.

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Posted on: January 03, 2009 @ 02:57 PM
Total Posts:  97
Joined  08-19-2007
status: Experienced

Re: AI driver manager?

I am still trying to figure all this out I am trying and reading every post in this Forum and uploading, downloading and getting fustrated as a bell with a ringing over tones from the Piano sounds of the Motif LOLOLOL or do I have tinnuitus too ?

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Posted on: January 03, 2009 @ 06:37 PM
Total Posts:  36620
Joined  07-30-2002
status: Legend

Re: AI driver manager?

I don’t know if I can help you with your hearing problem (lol) but if you are having difficulty setting up anything you should call Customer Support. An Application Specialist will go over your setup with you and follow through so that you can get your gear up and running.

Following someone else’s problem and solution will not always work for you. Call, it’s free.

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