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Joined 03-09-2004
status: Newcomer
Mac G5 dual 1.8 GHz 1.5G Ram O1X 10.4.11 Motif ES7 with mlan16e and logic pro 7
mlan patchbay and studio monitor working for a year or more albeit with intermittent problems -usually fixed by a clean uninstall and reinstall of mlan -but not this time
Recently unable to send or playback midi from Motif which now only outputs midi information (midi in and out on logic transport bar but no sound) on track ports 2 and 3 in song mode. Have tried every possible setting in motif utility including factory reset ... is this likely an mlan prob or with my mlan16e ?
Motif still plays instrument plug ins from the keyboard ESX24 etc
strangely seems to have happened shortly after loading vienna strings
just loaded up new mlan V 1.1.4 (not yet on mlan driver wizard in english - had to use the Japaneese) - but no joy
Running logic pro 8 0n a G4 laptop should I upgrade the G5 ?
I would be most grateful for any advice