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Viewing topic "thinking about logic"

Posted on: January 10, 2008 @ 06:36 AM
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Joined  06-26-2004
status: Newcomer

Im a motif/cubase user who is going to be purchasing a mac soon. I’m looking for more sounds and ways to implement my motif with another application to make great music. I heard some great things about this Logic program but I had a few questions?

Is Logic like Cubase in where you can record vocals,etc or is it more like Reason where you just make music/tracks via a sequencer? Since I already have Cubase I dont need another Cubase type program but more like a sound program to create music/make beats. I currently have reason 3.0 but am so confused on how to operate it, so im looking for something a little more user friendly to install on my mac once i get it.

ANy advice?

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Posted on: January 14, 2008 @ 12:09 PM
Total Posts:  16
Joined  08-29-2006
status: Regular

Re: thinking about logic

In my opinion, once you use logic you’ll get rid of any PC based sequencers.

Logic is a full sequencer - you can record voice, midi, any type of audio.

I’ve been using logic for about 4 years now......wouldn’t trade it for nothing.

It especially works well with yamaha products like motif and MO (I have a MO8)

Make sure you get a strong MAC and get ready for a really user friendly environment (I promise you I don’t work for MAC.....I just really enjoy the product)

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Posted on: January 15, 2008 @ 01:19 AM
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Joined  06-25-2006
status: Newcomer

Re: thinking about logic

What he said ^ !

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Posted on: January 30, 2008 @ 04:40 PM
Total Posts:  0
Joined  03-27-2004
status: Newcomer

Re: thinking about logic

Can you buy Logic Pro 8 by itself or is it only available in the Logic Studio bundle. The main reason I don’t want to get the bundle is because Soundtrack Pro 2 is already included in the FCP bundle and I don’t want to pay for a second copy if I don’t have to.

I know they sell Logic Express by itself but I would like to get Pro.

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Posted on: February 11, 2008 @ 09:05 AM
Total Posts:  0
Joined  06-25-2006
status: Newcomer

Re: thinking about logic

You have to buy the bundle but look at it this way. Just a few months
ago, Logic was 1000.00 now it is 500.00 so you are getting a killer deal
even with having two copies of Soundtrack Pro.

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