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Viewing topic "Can you dump voice names to Logic?"

Posted on: October 19, 2007 @ 03:18 AM
Total Posts:  5
Joined  06-11-2007
status: Newcomer

Does anyone know of a way to dump the S90 ES voices into the Logic environment so that you can select them from within Logic?



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Posted on: October 25, 2007 @ 09:18 PM
Total Posts:  0
Joined  06-25-2006
status: Newcomer

Re: Can you dump voice names to Logic?

No way to “dump” them but if you get a copy of the midi
implementation chart in PDF format from the Yamaha synth web site,
you could copy and paste those names into a spread sheet with
columns 127 cells long (most banks take 2 swipes to copy). Then copy
and paste the whole bank into the multi instrument in Logic. Not elegant
but it works.

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