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Viewing topic "Logic 8 - mLAN now crackling and popping"

Posted on: September 22, 2007 @ 04:40 AM
Total Posts:  292
Joined  09-21-2004
status: Enthusiast

Hey guys,

Got my Logic 8 installed.  I’ve noticed one thing though.  My mLAN system is regularly making a popping sound all the time when using any of the software instruments.  I didn’t have this problem with version 7 of LP.

If I use the built in audio on the iMac, there is no popping sounds.  The problem only occurs when I use mLAN.

I tried adjusting the audio buffer all the way up to 1024 and it makes a small difference but it still pops.  I normally have it set to 512 and the sample rate set at 48,000.  Those settings worked fine in v7.

Any suggestions?

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Posted on: September 24, 2007 @ 06:58 AM
Total Posts:  36620
Joined  07-30-2002
status: Legend

Re: Logic 8 - mLAN now crackling and popping

You may need to give your computer more of a buffer. mLAN only delivers the crackling and popping to your outputs. Remember mLAN is just MIDI and audio connections. If you are getting crackling and popping you may be reaching the limits of your current buffering settings. If, as you say, it is not the buffering then you would need to provide us with a bit more details about what you are running - You did not mention which mLAN driver version you are running nor did you mention your operating system. Nor did you mention the requirements to run Logic 8 and how they match up with your current computer. This information is essential for any suggestions.

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Posted on: September 24, 2007 @ 03:13 PM
Total Posts:  292
Joined  09-21-2004
status: Enthusiast

Re: Logic 8 - mLAN now crackling and popping

Thanks Bad Mister,

Here are the details of my system:

G5 iMac running OS-X Tiger (10.4.10), 1 GB RAM
Logic Studio
Motif ES-8 w mLAN card
mLAN tools for OS-X v1.1.1

I’ve tried all buffer settings in Logic from the lowest to highest.  The popping is still there regardless of this setting.

However, I am now suspecting that my RAM may be the problem.  1 GB is nothing these days.

So, I’m going to pickup a new iMac with 4 Gigs of RAM plus the newer Intel dual core processor.  Hopefully that will solve the problem.

The strange thing is that I did not have this problem with Logic Pro 7.  Plus, it does not occur when I use the built in audio of the iMac.  Only after I updated to version 8 did I start having this popping sound with mLAN.

At any rate, I’m at a stand still until I get this figured out.  /forums/images/icons/confused.gif alt=

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Posted on: September 28, 2007 @ 03:17 AM
Total Posts:  96
Joined  02-21-2007
status: Experienced

Re: Logic 8 - mLAN now crackling and popping

I definetly think it’s the ram. I just got a new iMac with 2GB of ram and I just installed Logic Studio yesterday and I’m using the mlan from the motif xs and it’s working perfectly. Logic Studio 8 also recomends at least 2 gigs of ram to operate at a normal level

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Posted on: November 19, 2007 @ 08:12 PM
Total Posts:  292
Joined  09-21-2004
status: Enthusiast

Re: Logic 8 - mLAN now crackling and popping

Hey guys,

I found the problem.  The mLan driver causes huge CPU activity if you use it for MIDI.  If I use USB for MIDI and mLan for audio, the CPU usage stays really low.

Now my system is running great!  Logic is snappy and I have no audio drop outs or pops, crackles etc.

Yamaha needs to update the mLan driver so that it doesn’t cause such high CPU usage when there is a MIDI connection involved.

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Posted on: November 28, 2007 @ 11:58 AM
Total Posts:  36620
Joined  07-30-2002
status: Legend

Re: Logic 8 - mLAN now crackling and popping

You don’t mention if you are using the latest mLAN driver (Aug. ‘07) or were you using the old driver… The old driver had the problem you mention - CPU usage is much reduced with the latest Mac mLAN driver (without version numbers it is impossible to say whether the CPU usage you were experiencing is out of the ordinary or not).  But even if you are using the older driver crackling and popping still is a matter of settings and could be that you have your driver setup set improperly (many users experiencing noise have the CPU REQUIRED improperly set to HIGH PERFORMANCE, when they should be using LOW PERFORMANCE… this is a very common mistake)

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Posted on: November 28, 2007 @ 06:19 PM
Total Posts:  292
Joined  09-21-2004
status: Enthusiast

Re: Logic 8 - mLAN now crackling and popping

Hi Bad_MIster,

Thanks, yes, I am using the latest driver.  I downloaded it from a couple of weeks ago.  Version 1.1.1 I believe.

Where do I find the “CPU REQUIRED” setting?  I don’t believe I’ve seen that anywhere?

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