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Viewing topic "MO and Motif ES compatibility"

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Posted on: March 08, 2007 @ 09:25 PM
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Re: MO and Motif ES compatibility

Alright, well there is 12 files.
6 labeled- espreset1.w7e. (1-6)
6 labeled- espreset1.w8e.(1-6)

I put them all in a file called espresets. (FILE)-(F2) Then i can only see them i the voice editor(TYPE). I open the folder that i made, and there is only 6 files. All with w7e at the end(strange)but that dosen’t bother me. These files are supposed to be edited piano sounds that are supposed to sound much better....... any way i pick a file and exec. Next thing i know the entire user 2 bank(A-H) is clogged with this init voice. Which is a good sounding piano but not touch sensitive.

Well, there is my story. I’ll become more competent in time. In the meantime thanks for such a quick response.

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Posted on: March 10, 2007 @ 08:41 AM
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Re: MO and Motif ES compatibility

So the issue is that whoever created those voices did not populate the USER2 voice bank. Therefore, when you load the voices (Using a data TYPE of VOICE EDITOR in the [FILE]-->[F3] LOAD dialog, you load not only the edited piano voices in USER1, but the blank (initialized) voices into USER2. (My guess is that if you look at the USER DRUMS voice bank that these will also contain initialized drum kits.)

Unfortunately, you can only load ALL user voices when loading from a VOICE EDITOR file on the MOTIF ES. To load individual voices or voice banks you would need to connect a computer to the ES (via MIDI, USB or mLAN) and use the Motif ES Voice Editor to load the voice editor file and then bulk dump individual voices or voice banks to the Motif ES.

(One other approach would be to load the VOICE EDITOR file - as you have done - save it as an ALL VOICE file - by specifying a data TYPE of ALL VOICE in the [FILE]-->[F2] SAVE dialog -, reinitialize the Motif ES to restore the factory default voices, and the load individual voices from the ALL VOICE file - by specifying a data TYPE of VOICE in the [FILE]-->[F3] LOAD dialog.)


Brad Weber

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Posted on: March 11, 2007 @ 07:18 AM
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Re: MO and Motif ES compatibility

Ok, that’s interesting, but i don’t have the motif es. I just have an MO6. Does that change anything? And your right about the drum bank being init. Does that mean that the original voices that were there before had to be deleted from my keyboard?

Honestly what i thought was supposed to happen is, the factory piano sounds would themselves be coppied over with the better edited sounds in the A. piano vioce bank.

I actually couldn’t find any piano sounds in the user 1 bank. Nothing but weird electronic sounds. Which i thought were there before loaded the file.........Ofcourse, of the six espresets(w7e) that were in that folder, i only tried two.(And from what your saying, each w7e file contains many voices, just not enough to fill the user 2 bank.

So, maybe i’ll find the piano sounds in one of the other files.
Am i right on this?
What do you think is the best way to go about getting a better sounding piano out the MO?


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Posted on: March 11, 2007 @ 07:48 AM
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Re: MO and Motif ES compatibility

The information I posted applies to the MO as well…

By definition the preset voice banks cannot be changed - they are stored in read-only-memory. New voices (or tweaks to the preset voices) can only be stored in the USER voice banks.


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Posted on: March 11, 2007 @ 06:23 PM
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Re: MO and Motif ES compatibility

Thanks for the help. Maybe you can answer this question. How do i change octaves for just one of the several instraments that you have in the performance mode?

Like is it possible to have the bass like normal on the left and have a different instrument at the top of the keys in a lower octove with out affecting the others?

Thanks for the feedback

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Posted on: March 12, 2007 @ 03:54 AM
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Re: MO and Motif ES compatibility

Each PART of a Performance can be offset separately by editing the PART parameters:

Press [EDIT]
Press Track Select [1]-[4] to select the PART you want to edit
Press [F4] TONE
Press [SF1] TUNE
Here you can offset the Note Shift parameter of each Part individually as necessary
When you are happy, Press [STORE] to store you edited Performance.

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Posted on: March 19, 2007 @ 08:09 PM
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Re: MO and Motif compatibility

What if I wanted to sequence some songs for use at church on the MO8 on the Motif 7 classi?  I know that all the sounds would not match up completely but the layout is close enough where I could make the adjustments.  Is it as simple as creating the song in pattern mode and then saving the pattern and then opening the pattern on the MO and adjust the sounds or is this harder than I think it will be?

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Posted on: March 21, 2007 @ 10:55 AM
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Re: MO and Motif ES compatibility

Got my answer in Classics!

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Posted on: March 25, 2007 @ 05:59 PM
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Re: MO and Motif ES compatibility

Hi -

I’m trying to re-create an ES Performance on a MO.  I thought the way to start would be to copy the voices over from the ES using the procedure outlined by Bad_Mister.  Because the post says:

“This way when your partner loads your SONG or PATTERN, they will also be loading the “normal” Voices you used...”,

I assumed that a SONG or PATTERN would be compatible between MO and ES.  True?

I used a Pattern to store the MIX VOICES, and now have .W7P and .W8P files on the card (I can see them when the card is in a computer).  So far, so good. 

Now, though, when trying to FILE/LOAD the Pattern file type into MO, my MO doesn’t recognize that the .W7P and .W8P files are on the card.  Blankness. 

Did I not understand correctly that Patterns can be copied between the two?  What would the right procedure be? 

Also, assuming I get the Pattern loaded, how would I pick out the ES voices in the MIX VOICES and store them individually on the MO?

Thank you very much!

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Posted on: March 25, 2007 @ 08:21 PM
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Re: MO and Motif ES compatibility

You need to provide us more information on exactly what buttons you press and parameters you select when you are trying to load the patterns from the Motif ES pattern file (*.w7p and *.w8p). As shown in the excerpt from the MO6, MO8 Owner’s Manual below, you should be able to load patterns (using a data TYPE of ALL PATTERN or PATTERN) from a Motif ES ALL PATTERN file pair.

As to saving the mixing voices into the MO’s USER voice banks, you would simply select the pattern that the mix voices are associated with, press [MIXING]-->{part number for that has a mixing voice associated with it ([1] - [16]}-->[F5] VCE ED-->[STORE] and then change the voice bank from MIXV to USER1 or USER2; specify a user voice slot to store the mixing voice into and then press [ENTER].


Brad Weber


Brad Weber

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Posted on: March 26, 2007 @ 04:15 PM
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Re: MO and Motif ES compatibility

Thanks, Brad.  When I saved the file from the ES (on a SmartMedia card), I used FILE, [F2] SAVE, and selected type “ALL PATTERN”.  I created a directory, and pressed ENTER.

On the MO, I used FILE, [F3] Load, selected the directory, pressed “ENTER” to find the .W7P file, but that’s where I see nothing come up.

Dumb question: regarding the page you attached from the manual, is the SmartMedia card (even though it’s on an internal bus) functionally equivalent to a USB storage device? 

Thanks again!

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Posted on: March 26, 2007 @ 07:21 PM
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Re: MO and Motif ES compatibility

On the MO, I used FILE, [F3] Load, selected the directory, pressed “ENTER” to find the .W7P file, but that’s where I see nothing come up.

The MO’s file system is context specific. It will only show files that copntain the data TYPE that you specify in the [FILE]-->[F3] LOAD dialog. Thus Motif ES ALL PATTERN files will only show up if you specify a TYPE of ALL PATTERN or PATTERN in that dialog.

The MO does not support SmartMedia, so I’m not sure what your question is about? /forums/images/icons/confused.gif alt=

(Both the Motif classic and the Motif ES do support SmartMedia which is a small form factor media that was popular for digital cameras a few years ago. On these instruments it was a media that was used for saving user data and transferring it to other instruments or computers.)


Brad Weber

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Posted on: March 27, 2007 @ 03:49 AM
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Re: MO and Motif ES compatibility

I understand that the file system is context-specific, I am selecting the ALL PATTERN type when trying to find and load the .W7P/.W8P file, and I still see nothing in the directory.

However, my other nomenclature may be wrong - I was assuming that “MO” and “Motif classic” terms mean the same instrument, is that incorrect?  I’m working with a Motif classic, which has the SmartMedia slot.

Beg your pardon, my wife’s the keyboard player, I’m only the guitar player and technical support staff :-)

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Posted on: March 27, 2007 @ 07:18 AM
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Re: MO and Motif ES compatibility

Ah, there is your problem… the MO6 and MO8 are not the same as the Motif classic. The MO’s can load Motif ES patterns and songs while the Motif classic cannot. The Motif Classic, since it was introduced prior to the Motif ES has no knowledge of the file formats of the ES and thus none of the user data from the Motif ES can be loaded into the Motif classic. The MO6/MO8 not only came after the Motif ES, it is essentially a scaled down version of the ES and therefore most Motif ES user data can be loaded into the MO6 and MO8.


Brad Weber

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Posted on: March 27, 2007 @ 05:39 PM
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Re: MO and Motif ES compatibility

Thanks for your help, I appreciate it.  Sigh....

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