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Viewing topic "Motif as Plugin"

Posted on: December 07, 2005 @ 05:32 PM
Total Posts:  0
Joined  12-07-2005
status: Newcomer

Hi to all of Motif users;

I’m form Puerto Rico and my english is not good.  Well, a friend told me that the motif in the future, next year, it’s going to be on plugin to pc and Mc.  How knows if it right????

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Posted on: December 08, 2005 @ 06:52 AM
Total Posts:  36620
Joined  07-30-2002
status: Legend

Re: Motif as Plugin

Does he have a crystal ball? When we talk about the Motif ES as a VSTi - we are talking about taking advantage of the way a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) sequencing program like Cubase 3.1 addresses virtual instruments.

The Studio Connections protocol called AUDIO INTEGRATION, uses the newest feature implemented in Cubase 3.1.1 called External Instrument. This lets Cubase address the Motif ES Editors as if they were VST Instruments that existed inside the computer. But in fact the Editors, in turn address the hardware via MIDI. So you get all the benefits of using the Motif ES in Cubase as if it existed inside your computer BUT (and it is a big ole but...) you are addressing the hardware externally.

You can even FREEZE tracks (they are rendered in real time, obviously) but you can use Cubase automation, you can use Cubase Audio Effects, etc. just as if they were VSTi inside the computer.

You will still need a MOTIF ES (hardware) to make this happen. Tell your friend he heard correctly just didn’t hear the whole story.

See [url=] [/url] for the whole story.

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Posted on: December 08, 2005 @ 10:24 AM
Total Posts:  0
Joined  04-04-2005
status: Newcomer

Re: Motif as Plugin

Will this functionality move beyond Cubase to say Logic or Live?

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